Infinity: January Community Update

Flow | NFT Marketplace
4 min readJan 30, 2022

It’s been about a month since our last update to the community so we want to provide more information about what we’ve been up to and where we’re headed. We’ve heard the community asking for more ongoing updates and we plan to continue these monthly updates.

Launched on October 8th 2021, Infinity started as a decentralized marketplace competing against OpenSea. As time passed, we’ve seen a number of new competitors enter the space. Today, we are unveiling our new strategy that will cement us as the go-to-place for NFT communities and providing an update to the token launch.

Infinity is building towards a decentralized NFT platform for community discovery, evaluation, and management. NFTs are no longer just digital art, but are leading the way as social organizing tools. They’re the community membership passes that further define organizations such as social clubs, interest groups, and play-to-earn games.

Problem We’re Solving

Today, NFT communities don’t have a home for community management and trading they need. They launch their NFTs collections, people mint the NFTs, and then immediately abandon the site to start trading on OpenSea. OpenSea does not serve these communities since it controls the trading experience and how they’re represented.

Additionally, once these NFT communities are live, it’s difficult for potential supporters to discover them. Going to OpenSea or other NFT analytics sites to find which NFT collections are trending based on volume and sales data is incomplete and only shows a small part of the picture.

The Infinity Solution

Infinity is creating a better, more integrated experience for NFT communities and their supporters.

The platform can be used as a launch pad for new communities. By launching on Infinity, creators get an audience within the Infinity community and all our tools. When an NFT collection is done minting, Infinity allows NFT collections to create self-service, customized community store fronts (similar to Shopify) that give the creators and their supporters everything they need to evaluate and engage with the community in one place.

These store fronts provide a more holistic picture for those who are evaluating new communities and excited to interact with those they’ve joined:

  • Collection discovery (e.g. trending collections, data analytics, community curation)
  • Collection evaluation (e.g. social integrations, collection details, transaction activity)
  • Collection engagement (trading, governance integrations, chat threads)

All NFT collection information and listed NFTs will be aggregated into the main Infinity site to aid in discovery.

Infinity Products

  • Curation/Discovery platform — it’s impossible to keep up with what’s happening in the space across social media. Infinity will primarily aid in discovery of new NFT communities.
  • Marketplace — for communities, Infinity offers a simpler alternative to OpenSea with lower fees, and instant royalties.
  • Marketplace API — powers the backend marketplace for individual communities and NFT collections, supporting their goals and creates more NFT liquidity
  • Minting platform — for creators, making it easy to mint everything from art to dynamic NFTs; ensuring Infinity is positioned for the use of NFTs across all goods and services

Please fill out this form if you’re an NFT collection that would like to work with us or learn more about what we’re building.

$NFT Token Update

Infinity initially planned to launch the token in January, but after seeing similar launches where the token is mostly used to game the product without a sticky product that provides long term value, Infinity decided to focus on building out a strong product with thoughtful token incentives carefully layered in.

The token launch will be postponed at least for a few months, which will give us enough time to build out the product, get feedback, and validate various hypotheses. Those who participated in the airdrop program will have the option next week to claim the transaction fees back (plus gas) if they wish to do so — users who claim the fees and gas will forfeit their airdropped tokens.

What’s Next

In the coming weeks, Infinity will be unveiling a new site and share more updates on the roadmap and current fundraise that will help with the new product direction.

Upcoming releases include:

  • A brand and website re-design
  • New community pages with social integrations
  • New discovery page and tools for trending NFT collections
  • Support for Wallet Connect and Coinbase wallet
  • Rewrite of the backend to make it more efficient and scalable

To summarize: this tweet from Ryan S Adams @bankless aligns with our vision:

  • Decentralized, open-source protocol and APIs
  • Creator-owned storefronts, trading and royalties
  • Multi-chain + L2
  • Analytics & Curation

Keep in touch!

We’d love feedback and encourage engagement in Discord and on Twitter.

